Troubleshooting Bromeliad Plants – Part Two
Author: admin8 Comments
Blooming, Care and Culture, Growing Indoors, Growing Outdoors
In this post I’ve come up with a list of common problems for Bromeliad plants, the cause of the problem, and a way to remedy your problem(s)!
- Problem: Flower spike rots at the base.
- Cause: Too much water in the reservoir.
- Remedy: Reduce the amount of water placed in the reservoir after the flower spike emerges. Instead, water plants by spraying the leaves until thoroughly wet, then dribbling water into the pots.
- Problem: Offsets die without rooting.
- Cause: Offsets taken when too small; humidity too low.
- Remedy: Wait until the parent plant is nearly dead to remove pups. For the first 3 to 4 weeks after repotting offsets, enclose them in a plastic bag to maintain very humid conditions.
- Problem: Brown disks on leaves.
- Cause: Scale insects.
- Remedy: These sucking insects occasionally infest bromeliads. Gently remove by hand by scraping them off with your fingernail. Repeat every few days, then spray plants with an insecticidal soap after testing plant for tolerance.
- Problem: White woolly patches on leaves, especially in crevices between leaves.
- Cause: Mealy bugs.
- Remedy: Mealy bugs are an occasional problem on bromeliads. Remove with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol; repeat every 3 days until the plans are clean.
For more information on troubleshooting your Bromeliad, check out Part One!
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Hi I have a large bromeliad which all of a sudden is not holding water in the crown, it just seeps away. Otherwise it hasn’t changed, still looks healthy? Any ideas? Thanks!
My Guzmania Marjan leaves are curling inwards. There is conflicting feedback on these boards as to the cause. It would be nice to see this condition added and addressed here. Thanks.
Ive had a plant for 7 months it came with a shoot now the shoot is brown and dead looking , what do I do. The leaves seem to be fine.
My Guzmania Marjan’s bloom is fading. I understand you only get one bloom per lifetime. I don’t think I have a pup. Should I cut off the flower to push the growth of a pup. More leaves are growing from the cups at the base. But these are not pups, correct?
I’m getting hard black scales kinda pest on the underside of my NEOREGELIAs and bilbergias. I’ve tried using Confidor but it DOESN’T help.
Check out our Bromeliad Pest Guide to Mealybugs and Scale Insects. You should find some answers there.
my bromeliad sits in my office, no office windows, and i think i overfed it water, now it has a white substance that is forming in the blossom. the blossom is also losing its red pigment. what can i do to keep it from dying?
Loosing pigment of bromiliad leaf. Turning white (nit yellow nor brown) from base up. Anyone have knowledge of this problem?