Making A Bromeliad Tree – Part Three
Author: admin4 Comments
Care and Culture, Classification, Growing Indoors
Once it is assembled and planted, water the whole tree thoroughly, using a can fitted with a fine rose, and allow it to drain. If intended for the home, the tree is best stood in a saucer or dish to avoid marking the shelf or table underneath it.
Further appearance of the sphagnum moss. When the moss is green and obviously damp, water is not needed, but when it becomes whitish in color and crisp to the touch, water should be given. Rainwater is preferable, using a fine spray and making sure that the whole assembly is soaked. The addition of a high potash liquid fertilizer at every third watering is recommended.
Planted with bromeliads that remain fairly compact, the tree will last for several years and may be moved about between greenhouse and home without difficulty. Good plants for the purpose are the smaller Billbergia, Crypthanthus, Vriesea carinata, Guzmania lingulata, X Cryptbergia rubra, the dwarf Neoregelia and, if the tree can be kept in a very light position, the grey-leaved Tillandsia. In a greenhouse, larger plants of many genera may also be accommodated.
For more tips and information of how to make a tree for a bromeliad, be sure to check out my other related posts Making A Bromeliad Tree – Part One, and Making A Bromeliad Tree – Part Two!
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I just received this plant and want to know how to keep it up, do I water it once a week and could I re-plant it now. I also want to know the up-keep on it.
Thank you so much and hope to here from U soon.
I need to learn how to keep this Bromeliad plant growing and renewed.
With many thanks.
Bromeliads only bloom once in their lifetime. Keep your plant in a well lit area but out of direct sunlight. Water your bromeliad at the base of the leaves and in the cup at the top. Keep standing water in the leaves and cup and don’t let them go empty or dry for too long. One your bromeliads bloom begins to turn brown and die you can either buy a new bromeliad or grow and raise your plant’s pups. See our post on Bromeliad propagation for more information. You may also read more on our bromeliad care and culture overview post.
I want to plant bromeliads on the bark of an old oak log cut from a tree.
Log is about 2′ x 3′ and cut in half, not round. Which kinds of bromies can I attach on the log ? What is the best way of doing it without hurting the plants ?