Dyckia Bromeliad Plant Species
Author: admin2 Comments
Classification, Growing Indoors, Growing Outdoors
Dyckia (dick’ea) – Belonging to the Pitcairnioideae subfamily; amongst terrestrial bromeliads dyckias are probably the best known; they are robust plants that require little care and attention. Heavily spined and growing under the same conditions as cactus and succulents, dyckias are tolerant of temperature and can be grown outdoors in most areas.
There are about 100 known species. Some of the smaller forms such as Dyckia fosteriana and Dyckia brevifolia form large clumps very quickly and produce a profusion of color at flowering. Most species have green leaves and vary in size from 10cm in diameter to the largest, Dyckia maritima, which flowers well above the height of the average person.
They have flower petals in a range of colors from orange to yellow and are carried on tall stalks emerging from the edge of the center of the plant rather than the middle, which is the case in other bromeliads. Dyckias are highly recommended to the beginner as a starting plant because of the ability to survive almost any conditions.
Dyckia fosteriana pictured.
For more information on the Pitcairnioideae Bromeliad subfamily, check out my Bromeliad Subfamily – Pitcairnioideae post!
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If you plant them outside how well do they tolerate cold weather? Are they deer resistant?
It depends on where you live. I have read that they are hardy to zone 7. No deer in its right mind would try and eat this stuff.