Bromeliad Plant Growing Specifications – Vriesea Splendens And Hybrids
Author: admin7 Comments
Blooming, Care and Culture, Growing Indoors, Growing Outdoors
This article provides information on the specific growing guidelines for Vriesea Splendens and hybrid bromeliads.
- Light: Bright indirect light year-round, with some direct sun in the winter.
- Temperature: Warm (70-80 degrees F or 21-27 degrees C) year-round.
- Fertilizer: Feed monthly with an all-purpose houseplant fertilizer mixed at half the normal strength. Feed the leaves, roots, and reservoir.
- Water: Keep soil lightly moist at all times, and refill reservoir every 2 weeks with fresh water. Mist weekly, and keep in a humid room.
- Soil: Bromeliad mix or orchid potting soil.
- Repotting: Repot young plants after 2 years, and limit pot size for mature plants to 6 in (15 cm).
- Longevity: Individual plants live for 3 to 4 years.
- Propagation: After flowering, this bromeliad usually produces one robust pup. Allow it to grow until it is at least 8 in (20 cm) tall before detaching it., potting it up, and discarding the parent plant.
- Selections: There are many named varieties, which may vary in leaf variegation and the shade of the flowering spike. Purchase plants that have not yet bloomed, or have just begun to produce a flowering spike.
- Display Tips: The dramatic leaf colors make this plant a strong focal point even when it is not in bloom. Because of its width, it is a good plant to display on a raised platform, with smaller ferns or other low-light plants beneath it.
For more information about Vriesea Splendens and hybrid bromeliads, check out my post on the Popular Bromeliad Plant – Vriesea Splendens and Hybrids!
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Fantastic web site! I learned so much and will keep checking this site for more info constantly as I’m totally new at growing bromeliads. Thanks for all the great suggestions and help. Sylvia from Cleveland.
Thank you very much very helpful information
I bought a plant that was just for display already flowering had no roots but was in a liquid gel Instead of throwing it away when the flower was snapped off i kept it and its growing roots! Now i know what to do with it thanks to you! 😀
Thank you for helpful comments. I recently bought this plant but it has some rust spots; are these burn marks of infection?
I’ve become a Bromeliad rescue person, and am learning by doing. My Bromeliads are doing very well, have pups.
I just rescued a bunch, about a dozen, and they are outside in my community garden. I live in San Francisco. It doesn’t get very cold here, and the garden is very warm, gets full sun from sunrise to sunset.
Do you think they can survive outside?
It’s an interesting caresheet.
What could we add ?
Well, Vriesia splendens can produce numerous seeds, which germinate quite well.
But I’ve not met success with hybrids.
Omg my dad like totally bought me a Vriesea (it’s red no way right) and it’s bloooming… i’m so excited! However, i’m slightly worried as there are little yellow spikey weird things coming out of only ONE of the red leaves. Can anyone tell me if this is normal or some weird hybridization! It’s totally bizarre I just dont know what to do anymore :((sad face)! thanks guys and good luck with growing your beautiful Vriesea!
Don’t know if your going to read this, but that is the actual flower of the bromeliad. the red thing is called an inflorescent.