11 Common Aechmea Bromeliads

Author: Melanie Dearringer6 Comments


Aechmeas constitute a large genus of bromeliads and are widely distributed in nature from Mexico to Argentina.

Nearly all of them form strong open rosettes, often retaining water in the center of the plant. They have good root systems, which not only anchor them to their hosts as they are mostly epiphytic, but take in sustenance from the rotting detritus that accumulates in pockets on the trees where they grow.

Below is a list of the most common Aechmea bromeliads; click the links for more information on each type!

Popular Aechmea Species and Cultivars

  • A. chantinii (Amazonian Zebra Plant)
  • A. cylindrata
  • A. fasciata (Silver Vase or Urn Plant)
  • A. ‘Foster’s Favorite’
  • A. fulgens (Coralberry)
  • A. gamosepala
  • A. nudicaulis
  • A. orlandiana
  • A. pineliana
  • A. ‘Royal Wine’
  • A. Weilbachii var. leodiensis


Featured image by Alex Popovkin via https://www.flickr.com/photos/plants_of_russian_in_brazil/8515761519/

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6 Responses to “11 Common Aechmea Bromeliads”

  1. jacqueline says:

    I have a new bromeliad and I don’t know how to take care of it. It hast solid green leaves a solid red with flower at the top

    1. NANCY LONG says:

      I have received a bromeliad as described above. Can it be cared for outdoors? I have 2 cats who will eat plants!

  2. Roz says:

    I have a new bromeliad and I don’t know how to take care of it. It

    1. Melanie Dearringer says:

      You should start by identifying your bromeliad. This will help you figure out its care requirements. Once you ID it, you can access our resource section to obtain a care cheat sheet or search articles related to your type of bromeliad.

  3. Roz says:

    I just received a beautiful bromeliad pink bloom. How shall I care for it indoors? the tips of the leaves are starting to turn brown.

  4. vetere says:

    identify bromeliads
    identify bromeliads

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